Hi! I'm Karin Rošker—Graphic Designer and Photographer
I'm Karin Rošker
Graphic Designer and Photographer
Freelance graphic designer and photographer, based in Slovenia and open to work.
Experience, Education, Awards
BA University of Ljubljana (UL), Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering—Graphic and Interactive Communication (UN)
MA UL, Academy of Fine Arts and Design—Visual Communication Design, and Academy of Fine Arts Gdańsk
BA University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Textiles, Graphic Arts and Design, Graphic and Interactive Communications
MA University of Ljubljana, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Visual Communication Design, Graphic Design
Academy of Fine Arts Gdańsk, Poland, Graphic Arts, Graphic Design
Koroški Radio and Radio Agora—Začne se z Ednino (Es beginnt mit dem Singular), 2022
Večer—Fotografinja Karin Rošker: Napake so normalne in del življenja, 2020
Radio BLA BLA—Študentke, ki so prejele oblikovalske nagrade Graphis New Talent Annual 2020
NeDelo—Pomembna je zgodba, ne oprema, 2013
Solo exhibitions
Galerija Knjižnice Radlje ob Dravi, Začne se z ednino, 2022
Koroška cesta and Slovenska ulica, Maribor, Odpiranja, 2022
Fbunker, Velenje, Začne se z ednino, 2021
Koroška cesta and Slovenska ulica, Maribor, December z iskrenim pristopom, 2021
Gimnazija Ravne na Koroškem, 2012
MKC Slovenj Gradec, 2012
Osnovna šola Radlje ob Dravi, 2012
Spominski park Prevalje, 2012
Group exhibitions
Raum Au, Prvinsko, 2020
MGLC, Razgrinjanje spomina, 2018
Galerija Kortil, Slovenska fotografija u Rijeci, 2018
City Center Celje, Fotostorming 2019 and 2017,
TMS Muzej Pošte in telekomunikacij, Polhov Gradec, Tifonamka, 2017
Krekov trg Celje, 10 years of DF Svit, 2016
Kmkc Kompleks, Zgodba o fotografiji, 2016
Pritličje, Brif na brif, 2016
Korotan, Vienna, Austria, Exhibition of Fotokrožek Gimnazije Ravne na Koroškem, 2016
Rovinj, Festival Rovinj Photodays, 2015
Ars Cafe mestna kavarna, Slovenj Gradec, 2014
Cankarjev dom, Transgeneracije, 2012 and 2011
Galerija Jakopič, Tone Stojko: Telo v igri, 2011
Creative Quarterly No 73
Award of Excellence—Lio Packaging design
Graphis New Talent Annual, New York
HM—Like The North Sea poetry collection design
Graphis New Talent Annual, New York
Silver Award—Vinyl Recording Packaging
Creative Quarterly No 62
HM—Catch Your Memories packaging
Creative Quarterly No 65
Award of Excellence—Atlas of The Immigrant, album book design, under the mentorship of Patryk Hardziej
XXII. Celjska fotografska razstava
Gold Award—photography series Začne se z ednino
Graphis New Talent Annual, New York
Gold Award—#bau-bau, under the mentorship of prof. Eduard Čehovin
Val 202
Nomination for The name of the week
Creative Quarterly, Issue 61, Brooklyn, New York
Award of Excellence—#bau-bau
University of Ljubljana
Solemn document for the best study achievements
Pro Carton Young Designers Award 2020
Shortlisted—Catch Your Memories packaging, under the mentorship of Sławomir Witkowski and Adam Świerżewski, ASP Gdańsk
Bronze award—My Dance photo series
XX. Celjska Fotografska razstava
Silver award—My Dance
Pogled 2019
Bronze award and HM
The 1st International Photographic Salon Female World 2019
HM—Her Whirl
UL, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Top 5 % of students—Graphic and Interactive Communication studies
UL, The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering Second place—Magnifico’s vinyl recording packaging design. Group project with Elena Plahuta, Maruša Rimc, Rok Podgorelec, Vid Šubic, under the mentorship of Jure Ahtik and Tanja Nuša Kočevar.
Alexandeia Salon for Petite Photography, Egypt
Adasa Ribbon
German International DVF-Photocup 2013
Bronze award, listed among Best authors
Prva vseslovenska krožna razstava digitalnih fotografij
under the auspices of FZS, under the honorary patronage of dr. Zdenka Čebašek Travnik (former Slovenian Ombudsman 2007–2013)
Gold award and two diplomas
Galerija Jakopič, Tone Stojko: Telo v igri
4th place—Absent Mindedness
The mentor of all sent photographs (2011–2016) is Sonja Buhvald.
GEJM, 8. številka, Društvo informacijski center Legebitra, junij 2021, Ljubljana, 2021.
New Talent Annual 2021, Graphis Inc., New York, NY, 2021.
100 Best Annual 2020, Creative Quarterly: The Best of Art and Design Quarterly, April 2021.
Creative Quarterly: The Journal of Art & Design No. 61, Winter 2020, Brooklyn New York.
New Talent Annual 2020, Graphis Inc., New York, NY, 2020.
Plaktivat: Koronavirus: angažirani plakati za solidarnost in človečnost v času koronavirusa, marec-november 2020, Tam-tam Institute, Ljubljana, 2020.
Digitalna kamera, številka 99, marec/april 2020, Celje, 2020.
Mask 2020: 13th Mask, International Photography Exhibition, Photo Club Cerkno, 2020.
Digitalna kamera, številka 94, maj/junij 2019, Celje, 2019.
Digitalna kamera, številka 91, november/december 2018, Celje, 2018.
Digitalna kamera, številka 88, maj/junij 2018, Celje, 2018.
Digitalna kamera, številka 86, januar/februar 2018, Celje, 2018.
Slovenska pregledna razstava 2016, Fotografsko društvo Panonia, October 2016.
Mask 2016, 11th International Photography Exhibition, Photo Club Cerkno, 2016.
Gravitacije: Besedila in fotografije dijakov Gimnazije Ravne na Koroškem, issued on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of Gimnazija Ravne na Koroškem, 2014.
Vresje: Glasilo maturantov Gimnazije Ravne na Koroškem, 2013–2014.
German International DVF-Photocup 2013, Germany, 2013.
Flegma 2012–2013, Gimnazija Ravne na Koroškem, 2013.
Flegma 2011–2012, Gimnazija Ravne na Koroškem, 2012.
Podnevi trajaš dlje, Gimnazija Ravne na Koroškem, 2010–2011.