The group exhibition Instinct represents the works of an international team of artists, who explore how the relationship between animals and humans is ideologically emphasized or concealed with images, and how the concept of instinct defines the process of photography and the photographic representation.
Summarized by the accompanying text written by Jasna Jernejšek
Curator Jasna Jernejšek
Associate professional Emina Djukić
Accompanying text Jasna Jernejšek
Conduction of the exhibition and the accompanying program Emina Djukić, Jasna Jernejšek, Ajda Auer, David Bordon, Regina Jakšič, Lucija Rosc, Karin Rošker, Lana Špiler, Leopold Štefanič, Neža Ternik, Lea Topolovec
Photography Neža Ternik, Regina Jakšič
Production Membrana
Co-production Cankarjev Dom, Cultural and Congress Centre
The project was made possible by Oddelek za kulturo Mestne občine Ljubljana / Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport Republike Slovenije / Javni štipendijski, razvojni, invalidski in preživninski sklad Republike Slovenije / Evropski socialni sklad / Balassijev inštitut
Year 2019